Thursday, March 19, 2009

postcards, 2nd version, another next thing

Text accompanying each card:
In working collaboratively, I wanted to see what we are- who we are- and what we collectively envision, (we being VCFA folks). I am proposing a project of sending to you postcards from Montpelier, that have had the image sanded off- in order for you to paint/draw/collage/perform and leave traces of documentation on.
Here is my thinking;

In these economically challenging times as in times of any crises there is at the same time great potential in that there is a pause, a settling of debris, to reflect and rethink our values; time of restructuring and reevaluating. We are responsible for creating the economic system- we too are the ones who can uphold it, alter it, and/or demolish it. The question we are facing then is what kind of system do we want to promote? Art has a potential of showing us another way of being, another way of living. The answer may lie even farther than our own scope of understanding but we can start envisioning the possibilities.

As Artists, what kind of a world do we envision?

Please mail the preaddressed postcard by July 20th.
Thus far there are 17 participants.

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