Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Anything is possible, nice air in your image

(this image, just happened in an instant- i love those moments)

Let's do this together- the list is very long certainly there is an energy in the city that one is wired to never relax, but this is not always healthy. What is really necessary? All you have to do is die, how you choose to live all the other moments is entirely up to you.

Studio Practice- describe your studio.

Mine is the last bedroom facing West- I get the last light of the day. I find scraps of time for myself (usually only once a day) and I do a lot more looking and color mixing (in my head- playing the game, what color is that?)

decribe your day- in detail (paint me a picture). I have highlighted the 'helps' that I think we can work with- sorry I have no clue about building ownership and development so those are out. Let's discuss these:

studio practice


business partner who is also my husband

cooking, shopping, making the bed, remembering what it is to be a woman and not just a building developer

starting a family

financing my trip to the workshop this summer

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