Thursday, February 14, 2008

time, trouble, and worry

How is it that two perfectly creative, inspired women like ourselves contain so much anxiety, worry, fear, and self - doubt within us?

At the moment, my personal storm has passed, and I think it's important to discuss this panic, this fear, this uncertainty. It's troublesome.

I can't give any advise about your situation with your daughter because I'm not a mother...but I do think we choose our parents before we are born, and are ultimately independent of anything and anyone else in the world. It's a lonely existence. We are meant to let go.

But then doesn't that mean that what we let go of will eventually come back to one?

Many things are becoming clear to me. I've filed my work from the past ten years into a nice and neat flat filing cabinet. Am making my studio my own. I think I grew up in the last two weeks. Actually had a dream about running into a younger self and watching me/her walk right on by, clunky purple sandals and short lavender dress and all. I literally walked away from myself in my dream. I don't think one has to read too much into that dream...

And since then I've felt lighter, more responsible. Not exactly happier, but I realize there are no more escapisms for me. The world is plain. I am awake.

Here is a working statement

At various times of my life I have internalized the marginal positions that women have occupied in society as well as in art, and work with these inequities: body image double standards, female roles in society, and depictions of women in western art. I hope to challenge notions of “conventional wisdom” as they relate to gender stereotypes, and at the same time transform personal trauma by making it a more central aspect in my work.

Using a vocabulary of repetition, iconic female imagery, and text, I question the way the viewer relates to these images, to work in a way that subverts the male gaze. My aim is to be outside the hierarchical structure of “either/or” but rather give myself the choice of the more inclusive: “both/and”.

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