Friday, December 28, 2007

On site

Another day, another day at the job site...

Our trusty cellar windows, arrived safe and sound from over the mountains and through the woods. This picture may not look like a lot, but it's one step closer to COMPLETION of our building project. It means every window we ordered has arrived on site and is ready to be installed. Woo hoo!

This very long truck was ordered to drive our cellar patio doors down from Canada. From Canada! The doors are only 2.5 meters x 6 meters for crying out loud! Another genius move by building manufacturers whose actions clearly do not support the environment.

Our trusty building in relation to the new(er) construction site. I want to document a lot of this change now, as I'm sure my memory will fade over time and I'll not have the proper documentation to support my ramblings of how our building was the newest on the block, etc.

Street view of "before" ... namely, before the monstrosity goes into production. I know some of my neighbors probably think the same about our building, so I'm not saying anything new...

Our trusty building under wraps today, as the brick facade gets tenderly and aptly applied. It's all happening!

Another view of the demolition. Both buildings are coming down to accommodate for a super big one. The only thing saving us is the height limit for R6 zone: 55 feet. If it weren't for that, we'd be looking at yet another high rise "luxury condo". urgh.

Demolition of a neighboring building...I'm sorry to say the new monstrosity will shortly be blocking our entire view of the city's skyline. Oh well, I guess we'll have to make friends with the penthouse folks and go to their house for 4th of July parties. The architecture firm that has been hired for this new construction project is the same one responsible for the high rises in and around MacCarren Park. I only hope the design sense of the client here is less "spec and run" than the client of the Park condos.

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