Monday, June 16, 2008


One thing that makes all the difference is how each and every structure has been built. THAT is the heart and soul of a city. Then of course there is the question of how much one needs therefore leaving space to share- not of course just with people but the ants, the birds etc. It is a question again of how- one cohabitates.

On both of those fronts I would put you in the top category- you have done an impeccable job building- with more love than I would presume most NY homes. Now for the part of cohabitation you will have to live this on a day to day basis, but my guess is this will come naturally to you as it already does- do you not share a space already with a few family members? I would not get distracted from the important things you and Turu are doing- keep the focus, others will see in time. Do you know what I mean?

It is Sunday.

Will left for a business trip for the next three days, which for some reason feels like an eternity right now. I'm tempted to add the hours so that the numbers can pass more quickly. I held myself together until the evening, then Ali and I cried together missing daddy. It makes me think I need to appreciate and show this affection in his presence more.

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