Saturday, April 28, 2012


I've missed myself too- you know what I mean. I have been needing to 'prove' myself at work with the new job and little focus has been dedicated to my art. (There were many lovely moments..but...)

So not only am I so excited to have broken this trend this past week, but for me I am embarking on an awesome journey. I have always wanted to create canvas that curves, and as you know I have always used tape. I have now combined the two and many other two's in my life. (My left and right sides, etc.)

I am very happy to post these although the images of the work is pretty miserable but you will get an idea until the right light comes tomorrow.

I think I'm titling it 'moth' or 'moth effect.' (The lighting is best when one sees the work on the outside of a builging with natural light. There is however, a view of it from the inside as the ground is transparent.) It is roughly one meter by one meter and a blow up of one of my small figures. It is oils on contact paper!

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