Monday, October 15, 2007


1. of or pertaining to the home, the household, household affairs, or the family: domestic pleasures.
2. devoted to home life or household affairs.
3. tame; domesticated.
4. of or pertaining to one's own or a particular country as apart from other countries: domestic trade.
5. indigenous to or produced or made within one's own country; not foreign; native: domestic goods.
6. a hired household servant.
7. something produced or manufactured in one's own country.
8. domestics, household items made of cloth, as sheets, towels, and tablecloths.
[Origin: 1515–25; < L domesticus, deriv. of domus house (see dome); r. domestique < MF]

de·par·ture [di-pahr-cher]
1. an act or instance of departing: the time of departure; a hasty departure.
2. divergence or deviation, as from a standard, rule, etc.: a departure from accepted teaching methods.
3. Navigation.
a. the distance due east or west traveled by a vessel or aircraft.
b. point of departure.
4. Surveying. the length of the projection, on the east-west reference line, of a survey line.
5. Archaic. death.
[Origin: 1375–1425; late ME < OF departëure; cf. AF departir (n. use of inf.). See depart, -ure]

—Synonyms 1. leaving, going, exit, leave-taking. Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This
de·par·ture (dĭ-pär'chər) Pronunciation Key
The act of leaving.
A starting out, as on a trip or a new course of action.
A divergence or deviation, as from an established rule, plan, or procedure: ordered curry as a departure from his usual bland diet.
Nautical The distance sailed due east or west by a ship on its course.

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