Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Settling in

We flew in this afternoon.

There was a sense of peace as we flew over the land and tributaries of Seattle landscape.
I also noticed the mist that much of this land is in most of the time; the reason for the continuous greenery.

I do feel VERY good coming home. We immediately grabbed some carrots and tomatoes out of the garden! After a nice bath, I am ready to dig in to this new semester- here goes the list:

start the process for filling out Ali's passport (we are going to see WACK! when it comes to Vancouver this fall.
fill out Ali's paperwork for school starting end of the month
order books from library- The Power of Feminist Art
organize my immediate surroundings to include this revised practice
get groceries
swim in the lake or pool on the nice days

thinking of having others take a portrait of me every day
not at all sure what my studio work will look like
also thinking of making some type of flag- composed of female dresses

will post images as soon as I get them from Vermont

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