Friday, March 2, 2007

thinking about women

Thinking about what you wrote yesterday, I am so happy that you were able to share the day with women in water as it were.

I was also struck by your response at lunch with your friend and your children, regarding the woman who asked to be seated elsewhere. I wasn't there, so I can't be sure of her tone, but maybe you can consider alternate reasons other than her regard for you as "second-class". I often jump to conclusions about others' behavior, but consider these items, below:

-Maybe she's a school teacher and is tired of being surrounded by children and wanted some peace and quiet
-Maybe she can't have kids and is in the middle of a bad marriage, and is freaking out
-Maybe she just had a miscarriage and doesn't want to be reminded of women who can actually conceive and give birth to healthy children
-Maybe it was her one day off in two weeks and the only thing she wanted was to be alone, not to be in the presence of children

Her reasons for moving can be many, but I offer these possibilities to you as alternatives to your reaction to why she left. When I was in South Africa, it was such a blessing NOT to be able to "read" cultural codes, body language as I would in the states. Maybe you can retain some of your experiences in Capetown in a similar way.

Also, I'm in a strange space right now regarding whether or not I want children, and I may have changed tables as well, if I wanted a little more quiet space to myself. One cannot assume another's reason for doing something. If it bothered you so, you could have asked her...imagine an interview art piece all about why people move away from moms and babies in public spaces...that could be amazing!

I'm always a little jealous of moms who can stay home and spend all their time with their me it connotates an affordable lifestyle where only one parent has to work. Good for you to be able to spend all day with Alenka!

Interesting to observe different sides of the same coin!

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