Tuesday, March 6, 2007


This dialogue definitely is helping me connect to the art process.

I have so much catching up to do. These past two years have been a whirl-wind, I have been storing, collecting, sketching images. I hope when Ali is at the stage to let me go a little bit- to pour these out.

For now, it is the quick camera shot, the colaging mixed media that gets me into the practice.

Of course, mom hood and I think whatever one does contributes so much to one's art.

I was thinking about you as my body was being scrubbed and waxed! What an amazing way to communicate with your hands! That touch and passage of energy! Knowing the form as the message therapist does! The visual information you are picking up about the form!

enough for now- hoping to play before she wakes.

adding a little image that rocked me off my balance for the first months of her life.

How does one empathize in the hard times without being pulled in emotionally?? From where does one help?? I know it is Alenka's life and it may be a struggle she has to go through, but it really gets to the point where I can hardly bare it.

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