Monday, December 8, 2014

The Red Library

Hi (finally!),
Sorry it's taken so long to respond to this. I have been thinking it over, and have made some edits, see below. I was interested in why we are proposing this show, and wanted to clarify what we intend to show. Why would a gallery be interested in our work?
How can we phrase it to better articulate our intention - from the first sentence?

I am still thinking about what you said about the Red Library, and am leaning towards that as our title. Admittedly, I am a little obsessed with it. "conversations", for me, doesn't hit the nail on the head - seems like everyone now is "in conversation" or "A is in collaboration with B" kind of thing. What are we doing that's different? If anything...?How is our collab going to be communicated in a way that grabs the person reading our proposal?

I made some suggestions below.
More to come. 
What do you think?

(The Red Library)

In The Red Library, Feminist artists Angela Rose Voulgarelis and Tereza Swanda propose an exhibition of work they have made over the last seven years in conversation with each other, shared via their blog Art, Life (No Separation). The blog began as a way for the two women to speak/relate (find another word) to one another about their personal experiences of sexual and domestic violence.  The title comes from (...something about using the idea of The Red Library as a point of departure - working within a feminine context, and inspired - unknowingly for me - by the little red books from Czech...). Working from excerpts and images from the blog as a point of departure, they plan to install visual analogies - paintings next to sculpture next to drawing next to mixed media- to re-lease, re-form, re-live, re-establish, re-visit, and re-examine the experiences that brought them together seven years ago. 

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