Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Project with Anitra Haendel as part of Diane Jacob's $PEAK OUT http://www.dianejacobs.net/work/263:
The following 40 quotes written by Anitra will be laser cut into 40 one and five dollar bills

Feel(s) like death.

First, we have to answer to ourselves alone

for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.

How else will you morph?

I believe

I can see Beauty

I can sit with pain. of mine or yours. I can sit too long!

I fail.

I get discouraged, mom/man

I shout “Yes!” my “failures.”

I trust her

I want to fix the pain!

I want to know if you can sit with pain
mine or your own, without moving to hide it, or fade it, or fix it.

I will stand in the fire with you

It is a dark cold scary place, scared of living – I am not afraid of further pain

Listen to ourselves + our intuitions

Long live the dance of wildness

Love overcomes all grief.

Morph, shed skin

Most vulnerable most true and most alive!

My love for myself. My mom’s love.

My sorrow + grief –I want to get to that place of pain with someone close.

She will be safe!

She taught me how to love myself.

She wants to take care of them; but needs to take care of herself first. (FYI

Someone close. Most true. Does birthing a child take you there?

Sorry  sorry

the center of your own sorrow, fear of further pain. (with arrows)

This is the main question

This is the main question.

Trust myself

+ trust that pain is necessary

What more is there? (after

When all else falls away
I want to know if you can be alone with yourself

Yes I have touched the center of my sorrow.

Yes, I can

You keep the empty moments.

You must see outside that pain +

You're here to shout with me

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