Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I love green roofs

I love green roofs

Wouldn't it be great if New York City actually looked like this?
The more I think about it, the more obsessed I become with trying to make this happen.
It's relatively easy to do and it could bring down urban temperatures down in the summer and better insulate buildings in the winter.

Green roofs help clean the air
Green roofs are sustainable
Green roofs can help reduce asthma in overly developed areas
Teaching how to maintain green roofs empowers everyone
Green roof vegetation can promote the increase in honeybees, whose numbers are on a world wide decline
Green roofs are a viable answer to a global problem of warming temperatures.

We are in the process of greening our roof, one of the final steps before we move into our new home.
We're SO close!
I hope to install our roof by the end of June.

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