Monday, January 26, 2015

calm, before the storm

It's the peaceful baby sleeping, that can cry out at any moment. The sky is a moving gray. I hope to stand still and video whatever natural phenomenon comes. The anxiety is in the air.

But there is work to be done: (I hope to get to some time even as we have another weekend where everyone is home under three feet of snow.)

Here is the list from last night's insomnia:

Projects I have right here, right now:

Exchange: Red Library

Videos: -A Not So Sure Aristotle and the Ocean
 -"Good" Bar from Wholefoods, Soap cheese grating and melting, in relation to cooking, soap as cookie dough, soap as Parmesan and the wooden spoon
(research artists making soap locally, buy their soap)
- Washing Hands- Paint and wash hands daily with the Nickle, Thomas Jefferson bar until it is used up.
- Washing Hands, Grandmother washes with portraits of family, as they fade in and out of memory with Alzheimer's.

Produce box of soaps: Capital Cleanse, Antioch University, and throughout the town of Swampscott
- Press Release in the Swampscott Reporter
-research how to 'kindly' leave soaps in museums/spaces that do not "accept unsolicited artist submissions."
-research soap and things made with the purpose of disintegration

Projects related to the above that have been on my mind for a while:
- Awakening- Clay busts from a mold of my face- eyes closed to opening (looking at Anitra coming out of the sand in SA after her burial.)
-Install this project at the banks of Walden along with drawings ink and pencil
-Install Classical busts, hollow shells, pit fired, on the beach to roll in the tide. (Rolling Classics?)

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