Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Red Library, proposal

The Red Library

In Cervena knihovna (or Red Library,) Angela Voulgarelis and Tereza Swanda create works side by side through mixed media. A dialogue of non-fiction, very personal, responses to abuse and empowerment, Swanda and Voulgarelis create a body of work that redefines an edition of books bound with a red cover in Europe at the turn of the century. Often misogynistic, these books centered on a love affair within a historical context: they were formulaic and specifically designed to shape the female psyche.

For the last seven years, artists Angela Rose Voulgarelis and Tereza Swanda have been writing and sharing imagery through their blog Art, Life (No Separation). Initially started as a way for the two women to speak out against and transform their personal experiences of sexual and domestic violence, their posts explore notions of art in the everyday as it relates to the creative process. Working from excerpts and images from our blog as a point of departure, we create visual analogies to re-lease, re-form, re-live, re-establish, re-visit, re-examine, re-capture our experiences that brought us together seven years ago and collapse a singular idea of a female anything.

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