Sunday, June 22, 2014


Alenka's title "Oyster being born"

In 1998 I had a dream. Living abroad in Florence, IT, it was the year President Clinton was bombing Kosovo, just across the Adriatic Sea. I dreamt I solved the War, and not just that particular War but all wars. It was simple. The solution was to float photos down all rivers to the area of conflict. When soldiers realized their so called enemies were depicted in the images, and recognized themselves in the images, they would have to put their weapons down. One would recognize the humanity in the other.  

I question my notions of the other, male-female, brother-mother, victim-perpetrator, husband-wife. I enact violence, serenity, softness, a harsh rub, whatever the moment calls for. I communicate that, as accurately as I can and with great empathy. Material is left impermanent, as is all ground, philosophical or topographical. Installations shift within the context of each space. Each portrait’s presence/present, captured in a momentary stasis, responds to the marks of the wall, and the size of the space allotted. 

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