Monday, February 14, 2011

Whore Mother Totem Pole (Sliding Glass Door)




In the work, Whore Mother Totem Pole, (Sliding Glass Door), I play with the two acceptable roles for women within patriarchy, that of a mother and that of a whore. These two, not mutually exclusive stereotypes, interweave and support one another in this piece. I am interested in developing a gestural language through figures interacting. I use everyday materials to find a language that represents what we embody. I play with bodies to reform, alter and affect one another.

1 comment:

Anitra said...

was just looking at this again. I love it!! i want it. i want it as a hanging mobile. can we do that? i feel it is moving around already. b.c the figures have no front and back, they are whole.
make the figures out of thin metal (?) b.c I like the grey tones.