Monday, March 30, 2015

founding mother

George evolved naturally into her.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

on the brink II

questioning again:  What do I want?

I still want to change the world.

in my everyday:
Set up, continue and maintain an environment that meets the developmental needs of the family.
(Gift of Time would be a good space to work on and document this work.) In order to expand into      the work below.
Create works to encourage development; physical, emotional, intellectual.
Right now there is a toddler and a grandmother in my life, so the works will be developed for them.
I want the time (2 hours a day) to develop and test the work.

Set up environments that meet the developmental needs of every child, woman, human.
Help transform current educational system. (Starting with infants following through adulthood.)
Start with creating toddler/mother spaces (following Montessori principles)
Women workshops-teaching transformation techniques to parents like meditation, aesthetics, art, and practical tips to rearrange space/make space for themselves and their children.
Nursery schools (3-6)- produce Montessori works (expand to American size measurements) and produce beautiful artworks that children work with.

want wall3 from Tereza Swanda on Vimeo.

Was reminded of the Want Wall from 2009 where I asked participants to answer: What it is you truly want? and projected their words onto an 8x8 ft wall.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

on the brink

on the brink of something great
(teeter tottering)
beauty and anger can exist in the same space
I sent "Pudica" to LA today
I only slept for 3 hours last night, but am unable to fall asleep tonight, even though I'm completely exhausted. Howling coyotes outside the door (or so it sounded).
I swept my studio today - it's finally warm enough to work in there again. 

Saturday, March 7, 2015


In the Flesh

The texture of the organic bars is vastly different, elastic and wet throughout most of the process. Had to re-sculpt every bar. Loosing George to find George. The photos don't yet translate the elasticity, the flesh-ness and the way the soaps now feel. There is also now the timing of the bars to consider- those left to dry form a literal skin with a raw center.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

March 5, b

light light rose and 
the ground is still frozen, but ice is melting. 
I'm up to "S" in the Conscious Object piece "Alphabet II"
I almost broke one of my toes yesterday, but it's healing today. Still, it's purple.
matte black/slate
I have been alone in my house since 8:35AM, working.
Below: the thought form for sending benevolent thoughts to an individual.

March 5, a

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Back to Back

 On The Ground Floor, Los Angeles (March and April)

Uncertain White, Uncertain Mix, Uncertain Cream and Lavender off to Antioch University

Each set of 8-9 soaps is labeled based on texture, color, scent, or George’s  expression.

thought, pattern

Untitling, Entitling

I take note of the everyday left-overs my children provide: their powerful, subtle, visual signs.